8 Proven Ways To Teach Your Child Chess Successfully

Today, we'll look at the 8 proven ways to teach your child chess successfully. Your child might just be the next Magnus Carlsen or even better, as far as they can dream.

teach chess

Why Is It Important To Understand The Game Of Chess?

Teaching your child chess from an early age promises a lot of benefits. It helps build your child's analytical skills, helps them think under pressure and makes them more open-minded.

You don't have to have a dream of your child being the next grandmaster before teaching them. Heck, it doesn't have to be a skill that can put food on the table.

It can just be the single thing that makes them special. My Dad used to say skills like these would make you stand out in a sea of fellow qualified people.

The game of chess presents you with innumerable combinations to defeat someone sitting a few meters from you. What will your child do? Shy away? Face it head-on?

Your child's approach to chess would be their approach to life. It's much better if they know nothing about the game. But as soon as you dip your leg into chess water, you can't complain of cold anymore.

Chess has a unique art of amplifying your bad ideologies and views, it can also show your good ones. It can be a good bonding moment between you and your kid.

You get to see them beyond what they show or what the school shows. Teaching your child the game of chess is not compulsory, but it is necessary.

Here are 8 proven ways to teach your child chess successfully.

Ways To Teach Your Child Chess Successfully

Just like most skills, it takes time to go from novice to mastery. Here are some steps that would ensure your child moves from level 0 to experience.

1. Start Early

Starting early with your child is the first set to chess mastery. My parents used to say it is easier to prune and train a tree when it's still small. When it gets bigger, it's more difficult.

Ensure you start telling them the lino of chess. Show them the pieces and let them play around with it. Watch the though, because the objects are all and can be choked on.

Let them start playing with you and you correct their mistakes. At that point, don't play to win. There's a bigger goal in mind.

2. Make Chess Fun

Many children see chess as a boring, long game game. They'd rather go out to play football with friends or watch the TV all day long. Later, they grow up regretting eh they didn't give chess their attention.

It's not their fault. There are ways to make chess seem fun. Let every move tell a story. Tell them that the way they play describes how they think and you'll see them challenging themselves.

Paint the chess arrangement as their kingdom and the king is under attack. Now they have to defend it with their lives and honour. such made-up stories add spice to the game

Don't get too serious too. The goal remains to be better than yesterday. Keep lessons light-hearted but point out the mistakes and correct them.

3. Maintain a Structure

Structure is important when learning a skill. You can't have irregular schedules and expect consistent growth and development in your child's abilities.

Ensure your kids incorporate chess into their lives, not as an option but as a compulsory part. Only at this point would they give it the needed attention.

Schedule times regularly, maybe weekly or daily to ensure consistent growth.

4. Get Help From Online Resources

The internet is helping us big time these days. Now you can get a Pdf on how to play chess well as long as you are ready to study.

Many online resources help you learn chess better. There are games you can play where you practice your skills on different competence levels of computer.

Now you can even play with other people online. All it's going to take is to figure out which resource works best for you.

Is it pdf? Video? Games? Check them out.

See: 8 Great Chess Apps for Beginners and Grand Masters

5. Incorporate Chess Into Their Social Lives

Parents, you have very little time where you can control the crew your child rolls with. 0-18 moves by pretty fast. The little time you have, something like incorporating chess into their social lives would go a long way.

Register the with chess clubs closest to you. Here, they can mix with like minds which will fuel their passion for chess.

In this part, you can kill three birds with one stone.

  1. Making chess fun

  2. Maintaining Structure

  3. Ensuring chess becomes a key part of the social lives.

6. "You are only as good as your personal study"

Those were the words of my mum when I was still in secondary school. She'd tell me, you are only as good as your study regardless of what you are taught.

It's only when you can take out time to study on your own that you can be sure of distinction. Basing yourself solely on what you are taught without expanding your mind to the possibilities of your discovery is limiting.

Encourage independent study to ensure your child's growth.

7. Have Patience

Rome wasn't built in a day. Your child won't get it right as soon as they are taught. You have to give them the chance to make mistakes.

It's just like my saying, "You can only be a child once, so me any mistake you can then".

Encouraging mistakes from kids is an important process in their development. Failure is an important factor in success.

This mentally would take your child from Unconscious Incompetence to Conscious Incompetence.

8. Celebrate The Small and Big Wins

Its important to celebrate the small and big wins in chess. Your child beats you in chess, celebrate it. They win a competition, celebrate it.

This is a good style because their confidence grows from this point and they want to take on new challenges.

Remember, when they fail, they've succeeded. That is the mindset you should build in the.

Its like Eminem said, Success us my only option, failure' is not. As the wins roll in, celebrate them.

That brings us to the eight solid steps to guarantee success in your child's chess learning journey. I hope you learned something.


The age of chess is one of accuracy, control, desire, goal, tactics, emotions, death and victory. The game houses all the needed factors to succeed on its board.

Please pick it up and ensure your child stops missing out today. 


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