The Ultimate Preschool Guide For Parents

Hello parents, I know how much of a daunting task it can be to choose the best preschool for your child. Lucky you, here is the ultimate guide to a clearer way for you.

The headache that comes from choosing the perfect preschool arises from many factors. When it comes to preschool, you don't want to chase the most expensive. Expensive doesn't always equal good quality.

You also don't want to chase cheap. Cheapness can be a sign of bad quality. So, what am I trying to say?

I'm saying you need to find the preschool that strikes a perfect balance between your child's mental molding and their reward for it.

There is no amount too much to pay for your child, I know. But, don't waste money. Preschool time is a time to build your child's mind, weigh their present state and move them to higher ground.

It is a time when there is greater relevance given to social, communication, concentration and many other soft skills to prepare them for the bigger classes.

Therefore, you are right to be tense about such a matter. Your decision concerning preschool bears great relevance to the future of these youngins. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a preschool for your child.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Preschool For Your Child

Placing relevance on the preschool your child attends would pay you both in the long run. You can get to rest and be proud of a job well done.

Your child would also be grateful and boast about such good work you've done.

Here are several key factors to consider when choosing a Preschool

1. Philosophy and Curriculum

I start here because it's something you would easily overlook. You must understand the school's approach towards learning.

Is it structured? Is it play-based? Whatever it is, does it align with what you want? Do you think your child would flourish in such a system?

Go as far as checking the school's motto. These are little things that matter.

2. Qualification and Experience of Teachers

Very important question!

Due to the unavailability of Jobs these days, we've seen an increase in the number of teachers. They are not there because they can do the job.

It's just the money they need. Ensure you flee from such school and investigate the qualifications of your child's teacher.

3. Availability of Facilities and resources

Do they have decent classrooms, playgrounds, and indoor play areas? These and more are essential to your child's development.

Also, check their bookstore, do they have age-appropriate books for your child? You don't want them reading what they shouldn't.

4. Safety and Cleanliness

Ensure the whole environment is neat. Children have a habit of hand-to-mouth. You can't control this but you can control how clean the place is.

Check for safety measures such as secure entry systems, childproofing, and cleanliness of facilities and toys.

5. Check For Reviews

You can get reviews online from school that has such a medium. If you don't, you can always ask fellow parents.

Be careful not to fall into the hands of "vengeance" parents. The ones that the school did wrong once and has never seen past it.

6. Degree of Parental Involvement

Some schools block any chance of parental interference with the school. More often than not, this is bad news.

A school's process should be open, fair and accountable. Choose these types.

7. Location and Convenience

All the previous points are good but this is better. Picking a good school at an unfavourable location would not bring you the expected result.


You might end up being so stressed that you start thinking about changing the preschool thereby disrupting the process.

8. Cost

Yes, guys, After all is said and done, it all comes down to "How much am I paying”. The cost of preschool is one of the most important points to know.

You'll just have to trust that after payment, the school doesn't waver from what you believe.

When you take these factors into account, it will help you make a well-informed decision when selecting the right preschool for your child.

It's also beneficial to visit prospective preschools, observe classroom activities, and ask questions to gain a better understanding of each school's approach and environment.

Importance of Preschool On A Child

The crucial role preschool plays in child development and future success cannot be downplayed.

Here are a few reasons why preschool is important:

1. Motor Skills Development

These motor skills are movable skills such as cutting papers into different shapes or cutting numbers into your pictures.

This physical development is important for overall coordination and later academic tasks like writing.

2. Socialization and Emotional Development

These parts are another important part of a human's life. The social and emotional parts are now influenced by other friends and factors.

Their openness to trust others is a reflection of naivety, simplicity and want.

3. Boost their language and Communication skills

Children are exposed to rich language experiences through conversations, stories, songs, and rhymes in a preschool environment.

This helps build vocabulary, listening skills, and the ability to express thoughts and ideas.

4. Problem-Solving Skills

Children learn to think critically, make decisions, and explore cause-and-effect relationships. The cognitive skills form a strong foundation for later academic achievement.

Preschool activities often involve hands-on exploration and problem-solving.

5. Love For Learning and Confidence Building

A good preschool teaches to inspire. When you see a kid that says, learning is difficult, you have an idea about the kind of school they attend.

Preschools should convey a confident feeling along. They should be confident in their efforts and also love the process of learning.

All these are more are importance of Preschools to Children and Parents. It supports academic readiness, social-emotional growth, and foundational skills that pave the way for future learning and success in school and beyond.

How Old Does Your Child Have To Be To Go To Preschool

There isn't a certain age to force a child to go to preschool. The educational system is relaxed enough to house anyone who wants to learn regardless of age.

However, due to the breakdown of different classes(Nursery, Preschool, Primary, Secondary etc), It is "advisable" to take a more structured plan regarding your child.

From age 3-4, Schools would be open to take children into preschool because this gives them ample time to code and decode whatever has been programmed in them before they start Primary school.

What is the difference between Preschool and Nursery school?

Difference Between Preschool and Nursery Schools

You can easily confuse these two different parts. Some parents do not see te need for Preschool and would prefer to jump the kid to primary from nursery.

So, what are some core differences between these?

1. Age Group

The admission into these classes covers different age groups however close. For Nursery, we have ages one to three.

For preschool, it's from age three to four or five.

2. Educational Environment

Nursery school usually has a more relaxed and approachable educational environment. They are focused on repetition, comfortability and relatively less important things.

Preschool on the other hand prepares one for Primary school and is more engaging. They expose you to more difficult scenarios and expect you to fly.

3. Difference In Idea

The whole idea behind the Nursery is a place where young ones are nurtured and taken care of. You can compare it to a child-care service.

A Preschool is nothing of sorts. Here, they emphasize the importance of the right and quality education for your child.

I'm sure you've fully grasped the knowledge here in Preschool. How about right after preschool?

I'm talking about, how would you keep your child busy ensuring they take growth seriously.

After-School Programs For Your Child

You can also tag these as extracurricular activities. These activities have a less informal nature than school but still pass on knowledge and build the brain.

Even unconsciously.

After-school programs are good for your children and what is better is you get to tailor your child's choicest get what's best. Some of these After-school programs include;

  1. Tutoring and Homework Help: Seeking after-school tutoring and homework help is the next most important thing to do as a parent. Edukoya makes this even easier with our flexible 1-to-1 online classes. Start with a free trial class now. Other activities include.

  2. Sports and Physical Activities

  3. Arts and Crafts Workshops

  4. Music and Performing Arts Classes

  5. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Programs

  6. Language and Literacy Enrichment

  7. Cooking and Nutrition Classes

  8. Community Service and Leadership Programs

  9. Technology and Coding Clubs

  10. Outdoor and Environmental Education

  11. Life Skills and Personal Development Workshops

  12. Mindfulness and Wellness Activities

These programs offer a wide range of educational, creative, and recreational activities to support children's development and interests outside of school hours.

Each program type provides unique benefits and opportunities for children to learn, grow, and explore new interests.

There you have it, parents! I hope you have all you need and your child can bask comfortably in your knowledge now.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What Are Some Tools and Materials for Preschool Learning

Books help to teach and refine reading skills. Crayons, markers, and other art supplies develop students' hand-eye coordination and prepare them for writing.

Globes and maps help children learn and understand geography. Puzzles can be used to develop children's fine motor skills and problem-solving skills.

2. What Is the The Value of Early Childhood Education

In terms of human development, the importance of early childhood education can't be overstated.

A child's early years are the foundation for his or her future development, providing a strong base for lifelong learning and learning abilities, including cognitive and social development.

3. What do kids need to know for preschool?

Before your child is ready for preschool, there are a few essential skills they must know to thrive. Regular activities for preschool readiness are essential.

Your child needs basic communication skills, sensory processing skills, and social skills to function without the help of their caregiver.

4. What does my 4-Year-Old need to know before preschool?

Your child should be able to be away from you and be able to share, take turns, play with others, have good manners, and join in with pretend play.

A good way to learn these skills is by setting up plenty of play dates before your child enters preschool.2


Are you still contemplating?

It shouldn't be that hard, should it? Ask yourself, Do I want what's best for my children? Your answer should be a resounding Yes.

If that is so, register them at a preschool today. 


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