50 Basic Spanish Words and Phrases to Learn for Beginners

Are you trying to better your Spanish?

Learning Spanish would help your travels and explorations. It goes as far as opening career opportunities for you where speaking Spanish speaking is required. You can begin this journey with us by mastering your first fifty Spanish words and phrases.

Basic Spanish Words and Phrases to Learn

Alright, walk with me. Let's start with a few words.

1. Hola - Hello

2. Adiós - Goodbye

3. Por favor - Please

4. Gracias - Thank you

5. De nada - You're welcome

6. Me llamo - My name is

7. Mucho/Mucha - Many / a lot

8. ¿Cómo estás? - How are you?

9. Bien - Fine

10. Amigo - Friend

Before we continue, you're probably wondering, “am I pronouncing the words correctly?” One thing about Spanish is that, unlike English Language, you pronounce the words exactly as they are written. Pretty fun, right?

NOTE: There are some exceptions with some letters such as J, ñ and ll (yes, double L is actually a letter in Spanish).

In Spanish, the letter "J" is pronounced differently depending on where it is in a word. At the beginning or middle, it's like the English "h" sound, as in "joven" (youth). Before "a", "o", or "u", it's a guttural sound, as in "jugo" (juice). The letter ‘ll’ sounds like ‘y’ as in ‘camila cabello’ (Ka-mi-la Ka-bey-yo) while the letter ‘ñ’ sounds like ‘ny’.

Try to pronounce these words

11. Niño (ni-nyo) - Boy

12. Niña (ni-nya) - Girl

13. Cómo te llamas - What is your name?

14. Ella - She

15. Estoy - I am

Check here: The Spanish alphabets

Now that we have seen our first 15 words, you'll be thrilled to see that you can already read and understand some phases and even sentences. I'll leave you to interpret them yourself

  • Hola amigo , ¿cómo estás?

  • Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?

  • ¿Cómo te llamas?

  • Me llamo Daniel

Mucho gusto Daniel (nice to meet you, Daniel)

  • Gracias, Adiós 👋

You were able to get all that, si?

Good! You see it is not so hard to get.

Acquainting yourself with essential Spanish vocabulary and phrases is the first step toward fluency. Here are some more simple words and expressions that are crucial for beginners.


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50 Basic Words and Expressions

Greetings and pleasantries

1. Buenos días (Good morning)

2. Buenas tardes (Good afternoon)

3. Buenas noches (Good evening)

4. De nada (You're welcome)

5. Lo siento (Sorry)

Numbers and counting

1. Uno (One)

2. Dos (Two)

3. Tres (Three)

4. Cuatro (Four)

5. Cinco (Five)

6. Seis (Six)

7. Siete (Seven)

8. Ocho (Eight)

9. Nueve (Nine)

10. Diez (Ten)

Interrogative words

1. ¿Qué…? (What?)

2. ¿Quién…? (Who?)

3. ¿Cuándo…? (When?)

4. ¿Dónde…? (Where?)

5. ¿Por qué…? (Why?)

6. ¿Cuál? (Which?)

7. ¿Cómo…? (How?)

8. ¿Cuánto/a? (How much?)

9. ¿Cuál? (Which?)

10. ¿Para qué? - (What for?)

Common phrases for daily conversations

1. Sí (Yes)

2. No (No)

3. ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)

4. ¿Dónde está el baño? (Where is the bathroom?)

5. ¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much does it cost?)

6. ¿Puede ayudarme? (Can you help me?)

7. Me llamo... (My name is...)

8. No entiendo (I don't understand)

9. ¿Puede hablar más despacio? (Can you speak slower?)

10. ¿Habla inglés? (Do you speak English?)

Basic phrases for shopping and dining

1. Quisiera... (I would like...)

2. La cuenta, por favor (The bill, please)

3. ¡Salud! (Cheers!)

4. ¿Dónde está...? (Where is...)

5. ¿Tiene...? (Do you have...?)

6. Quiero comprar esto (I want to buy this)

7. Está delicioso (It's delicious)

8. ¿A qué hora cierran? (What time do you close?)

9. Estoy buscando… (I am looking for...)

10. ¿Cuál es el precio de...? (What is the price of...)

Words for saying goodbye

1. Hasta luego (See you later [most likely today])

2. Hasta mañana ( See you tomorrow)

3. Hasta luego (See you [informal])

4. ¡Cuídate! —Take care!

5. ¡Hasta pronto! — See you soon!


1. Estoy triste (I am sad)

2. Tengo hambre (I am hungry)

3. Estoy feliz (I am happy)

4. Estoy cansado/a (I am tired)

5. Tengo miedo (I am scared)

Most common Spanish verbs: have, need, want

I know I promised you 50 words and phrases but let's 10 more examples using the most common Spanish verbs: have (tener), need (necesitar), and want (querer):

1. Tengo hambre. (I am hungry.)

2. Necesito ayuda. (I need help.)

3. Quiero un café. (I want a coffee.)

4. Tengo un libro. (I have a book.)

5. Necesito dinero. (I need money.)

6. Quiero aprender español. (I want to learn Spanish.)

7. Tengo frío. (I am cold.)

8. Necesito un lápiz. (I need a pencil.)

9. Quiero ir al parque. (I want to go to the park.)

10. Tengo sueño. (I am sleepy.)

How to Practice and Memorize Spanish Vocabulary Efficiently

Learning Spanish vocabulary efficiently requires a combination of methods and consistent practice. Here are some effective strategies to help you memorize and retain Spanish words and phrases:

1. Use flashcards

Flashcards are a time-tested method to reinforce memory through repetition. You can create a set of flashcards with Spanish words on one side and their English translation on the other. Regularly shuffle and review these cards to enhance retention.

2. Incorporate language apps

Several language learning apps are designed to help beginners pick up vocabulary quickly. These apps often use games and quizzes to make learning engaging and effective.

3. Label items in your home

Put labels on everyday household items with their Spanish names. This method helps in associating words with their physical counterparts, making it easier to remember.

4. Practice with others

Joining a language class or a conversation group can provide practical experience in using new vocabulary. Speaking Spanish regularly with others boosts confidence and helps in overcoming the fear of making mistakes.

5. Watch Spanish media

Immersing yourself in Spanish-language media such as films, TV shows, and music can dramatically improve your vocabulary. This method helps with pronunciation and gives you a sense of how Spanish is used in various contexts.

By adopting these strategies, you can build a solid foundation in Spanish and enrich your learning journey with new words and phrases, making the process both enjoyable and effective.

You didn't think we were done, did you? Let's take some practice questions together to assess what you've learned?


How I Became Fluent in Spanish...FAST (self taught)

Practice Questions

1. "Hola" means ___ 

   a. Goodbye 

   b. Hello 

2. "¿Cómo estás?" means ___ 

   a. How are you? 

   b. What's your name? 

3. "Adiós" means ___ 

   a. Thank you 

   b. Goodbye 

4. "¿Qué tal?" means ___ 

   a. How are you? 

   b. What's up? 

5. "Gracias" means ___ 

   a. Hello 

   b. Thank you 

6. "Por favor" means ___ 

   a. Please 

   b. Sorry 

7. "¿Dónde está la biblioteca?" means ___ 

   a. Where is the library? 

   b. How much does it cost? 

8. "¿Cuántos años tienes?" means ___ 

   a. How old are you? 

   b. What's your name? 

9. "Yo soy feliz" means ___ 

   a. I am happy 

   b. I am sad 

10. "¿Qué hora es?" means ___ 

a. What time is it? 

b. How old are you? 

Translate the following words

11. ¿Dónde está el baño?

12. Yo tengo hambre.

13. ¿Cómo te llamas?

14. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

15. ¿Por qué estás triste?

See These Too


Learning Spanish is exciting and rewarding. With the basic vocabulary and phrases provided in this guide, you are now equipped to take your first steps towards fluency. Remember, the key to mastering a new language is consistent practice and exposure.

Use these words and phrases as often as possible in conversations, and don't be afraid to expand your knowledge as you grow more comfortable with the language. ¡Buena suerte (good luck) on your language learning journey!


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