10 Best Online live class platforms In Nigeria

Online live classes in Nigeria have grown a lot, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, showing the need for flexible and easy-to-access learning options. As the pandemic made the limits of only on-site education clear, students, parents, and teachers have turned more to online platforms to keep learning going.

Switching to online education helps solve many problems of traditional classrooms, like overcrowding, poor infrastructure, and distance issues. It lets students learn from anywhere, at their own pace, with many resources available. However, online classes also have their own problems, which we will look at later.

With more demand for online learning, many online classes have started to meet different educational needs. These platforms offer not just an alternative to traditional schooling but also improve the learning experience with new tools and methods.

In this article, we have picked the top 10 online live classes in Nigeria based on their ability to provide quality education and create a good learning environment. These platforms aim to give students a strong educational experience, helping them stay on track with their studies.

10 Online Classes In Nigeria

The following are the top Online Classes in Nigeria;

  1. Edukoya

  2. PrepClass

  3. Gradely

  4. uLesson

  5. Cambridge School Online

  6. National Open University of Nigeria

  7. Afrilearn

  8. Compass Tutors

  9. EasyPrep

  10. UNICAF

1. Edukoya

Eduloya is an innovative platform that is focused on Nigerian school learners, Primary and Secondary. They help to provide 24/7 exam preparation, assistance with homework and track your performance all-round.

They uphold recent technological updates to their advantage such as live interactive classes, data-driven question banks and more. The tutors on Edukoya are proficient, keen and adamant about making a good impression but also upholding the Edukoya principle.

They are proficient in multiple curricula cutting across British, American and Nigerian Curricula. The question on your mind should be "What is Edukoya's principle?" Edukoya's principle is to make quality education for the people, by the people and for the people. It is accessible and affordable to all students across Africa.

Visit Edukoya for more information. In addition to their cutting edge technological collaboration, they have a ready-made AI application that would help students to improve their educational aspiration. Download the EdukoyaAI app on playstore.

2. PrepClass

PrepClass offers a tutoring service by connecting students and tutors, expert tutors. Their services include both online and in-home lessons. They cater to a wide range of audiences from lower primary to senior secondary, even music classes and many more.

They emphasize tailoring tutoring plans to meet individual student needs. Their platform ensures that learning is effective and engaging by offering a mix of live sessions and self-paced resources.

There arises the question of security. How can you be sure of the teachers PrepClass would recommend to you? Is it safe?

Yes, PrepClass meets personally with all tutors and runs checks on them to ensure the security of all their students. If you want to use PrepClass, you can be sure you are in for the best class-time.

3. Gradely

Gradely focuses on adaptive learning technology to provide personalized education experiences. They use artificial intelligence to offer tailored practice exercises and assessments that adapt to each student's learning pace and level.

This approach helps in identifying and addressing learning gaps effectively. 

4. uLesson

uLesson tailors their classes per the West African curriculum. So you can be sure you are in line with whatever is being taught at schools. They combine cutting-edge technology like interactive video lessons, online quizzes and personalized assessments to boost their service.

uLesson comprehensively covers key subjects like Mathematics, Science and English for primary and secondary students. The app also includes offline learning options, making it accessible even without internet access, interesting, uhn?.

5. Cambridge School Online

CambridgeSchoolOnline provides an extensive range of Cambridge curriculum-based courses. The platform offers live classes, recorded lectures, and detailed study materials to prepare students for IGCSE and A-Level exams.

It also provides support for university entrance exams and language proficiency tests.

6. National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) is no new name in Nigeria. They offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs through open and distance learning. Recently, the news projects that students who finish from the National Open University of Nigeria can now serve in the National Youth Service.

Its flexible learning model allows students to study at their own pace, with access to extensive online resources and support from academic facilitators from different top Universities. NOUN is ideal for those seeking formal higher education without the constraints of a traditional university setting.

7. Afrilearn

Obviously, one can tell Afrilearn is coined from "Africalearn". They provide a full learning platform tailored to the African educational context. With video lessons, practice tests, and revision materials for primary and secondary school students, you are sure not to lack.

The content is aligned with the national curriculum, so whatever you are taught is relevant and applicable.

8. Compass Tutors

Compass Tutors offers personalized tutoring services focusing on academic improvement and exam preparation. They provide one-on-one online tutoring sessions with expert tutors in various subjects, ensuring customized and effective learning experiences.

9. EasyPrep

EasyPrep specializes in online exam preparation for Nigerian students. They prepare you for upcoming exams like WAEC, NECO and JAMB. On EasyPreo, you get a lot of practice questions, past exam papers, and detailed solutions to help students excel in exams.

They include features like progress tracking and performance analytics on their platform for more personalized service.


UNICAF provides online higher education degrees in partnership with internationally recognized universities. It offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, focusing on flexible learning schedules and affordable tuition through scholarships.

UNICAF’s courses are designed to provide high-quality education accessible to students across Africa.

These are the top 10 Online Classes in Nigeria that will boost your education immensely. It will help you to cover what's needed in schools without going to school or until you decide to explore on-site education.

Will online education totally replace physical education?

Will Online Education Replace Physical Education?

Understandably, technology has come to make our lives easier and better. Online education offers numerous benefits such as flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning. With all these advantages, it still seems unlikely that Online Education would replace physical education.

Traditional classrooms provide essential social interaction, hands-on experiences, and extracurricular activities that online platforms cannot fully replicate. We must resort to a blended approach, combining both online and physical education.

This is the most effective model for the future.

There's More On Edukoya

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the benefits of online education in Nigeria?

Online education provides flexibility, accessibility, and a wealth of resources, making it easier for students to learn at their own pace and from any location.

2. Can I get a formal degree through online education in Nigeria?

Yes, institutions like the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and UNICAF offer accredited undergraduate and postgraduate degrees through online learning.

3. How do online classes handle practical subjects?

Many online platforms incorporate interactive simulations, video demonstrations, and virtual labs to handle practical aspects of subjects like science and engineering.

4. Is online education more affordable than traditional education?

Online education can be more cost-effective due to lower tuition fees, the absence of commuting costs, and the availability of free or affordable resources.

5. How do I ensure the quality of an online education provider?

Look for accredited programs, read reviews from other students, and verify the qualifications of the tutors or instructors.

Final Thoughts

Online education in Nigeria is changing the learning landscape. It provides flexible, accessible, and quality educational opportunities.

The idea is not for online Education to completely change the course of learning. It is meant to complement traditional education by providing a balanced model that will leverage the strengths of both online and physical learning environments.


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