10 best AI tools for students 

Let’s talk about the 10 best AI tools for students. There are tons of AI tools out there today. That is why we must separate the best from the rest.

Best Ai tools for student

Best Ai tools for student

If you are new to the game(which I highly doubt), AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. Those two words have been the craze for a while now. Consumers are flying to safety and Producers can’t stop pouring it out.

But what is AI by the way?

What is AI?

Firstly, Artificial is the opposite of what? Natural! So you can call Artificial Intelligence, Man-made Intelligence.

Therefore, AI is a man-made crafted system that is made to perform tasks that should require human intelligence(natural intelligence). The tasks can include problem-solving, learning, language understanding… the list goes on and on.

Ai for students

AI has influenced a dreadful number of fields today and the educational field is no stranger. Both students and teachers fall back to it in itchy situations and it quickens most educational processes.

Is faster better though? (That’s a later topic, don’t rush me).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various aspects of our lives, including how we learn and teach. In education, the best AI tools for students are enhancing the learning experience by making it more personalized, efficient, and engaging.

These tools help students understand complex concepts, provide instant feedback, and enable self-paced learning. It’s a dream come true for every student.

10 Best AI Tools for Students

For the AI use experts here, I’m sure you already have your choice of AI tools. I will be springing up some surprises in the list and make sure to check it out.

On number one we have,

1. EdukoyaAI

I’m going to be honest here and say it hasn’t been too long since I heard about EdukoyaAI but when I finally knew about it, I was impressed, very impressed I must say.

Edukoya AI is one of the best AI tools for students(if not the best). Edukoya AI is perfect for anyone in the educational field whether as a teacher, student or parent.

You can download the application on Play Store and have your AI tool very close to you. Several functions separate edukoyaAI from the rest but the most important one is how it has very personalised functioning.

The replies are tailored to give you a comfortable feeling and you can almost personify edukoya if you are not careful. Edukoya AI can do the following

  1. Solve your assignments

  2. Teach you something new

  3. Debate you on any subject

  4. Craft a story

  5. Play games and even more.

My first prompt on edukoyaAI was “Debate me on the subject DEMOCRACY IS A FACADE” and it gave me a run for my keen memory.

Enough talk, download Edukoya AI now. It will be on the App Store soon.

2. Chat GPT

Am I talking about the father of all AI tools? Chat GPT broke through the scenes and all other AI tools flew in uninvited(haha).

Many posts or videos would tell you that chat GPT is not the best AI tool for you. It might not be the best but it certainly is better than most. OpenAI developed it, Chat GPT can engage in human-like conversations and provide answers on a vast array of topics. When you learn to give it specific prompts, you can be sure to enjoy Chat GPT.

Prompts are synonymous with questions. Students can now use Chat-GPT for a plethora of reasons. It is, without a doubt a top AI tool for students, significantly enhancing your learning experience and providing quick access to information.

3. Grammarly

Grammarly is no new face in the world of AI. Some might even wonder if it’s AI. Any man-made software that helps with human intellectual work is AI.

The main idea behind Grammarly is to help students improve their writing skills. Many of us weren’t not so good with the writing part of English, Grammarly to the rescue. Among the best AI tools out there for writing, Grammarly has no competition.

It can relieve your stress when you are drafting those reports, writing projects and many more.

4. Duolingo

Will all Duolingo fans please stand up? Haha, I’m kidding. Duolingo is a language learning app that makes learning new languages fun and interactive.

Duolingo’s excellence speaks for itself. They use AI to personalise lessons and track the progress of students. Duolingo is a must-use for anyone who wants to learn a new language. They are recognized by top bodies like IELTS.

Unlike other AI where you can put in prompts, Duolingo is there to teach you. You can’t ask questions but can answer them.


DALL-E is an amazing AI tool created by OpenAI. It's designed to generate images from text descriptions, which means you can type in a phrase or a sentence, and DALL-E will create a unique image based on that description.

For example, if you ask it to create an image of "a two-headed flamingo wearing a suit," it can do just that. This makes DALL-E incredibly useful for everyone including students.

DALL-E opens up endless possibilities for creativity. Whether you're working on a project, need some inspiration, or just want to see your wildest ideas come to life, DALL-E can make it happen.

6. Notion

Notion is an AI-powered productivity tool that combines note-taking, task management, and databases into one platform.

It's perfect for students and professionals. It offers features like detailed note-taking, to-do lists, project management, and real-time collaboration.

You can customise Notion and it is extremely user-friendly. This makes it easy to organize your life and work efficiently. You don’t have to switch between multiple apps anymore. With Notion, you have an all-in-one answer.

7. Syntea

Syntea is like having a smart study friend powered by AI. It personalises learning for students with tailored tutoring, homework help, and interactive lessons that fit how you learn best.

You get real-time feedback, can track your progress, and it's available whenever you need it, day or night.

Syntea covers a bunch of subjects, so whether you're tackling math or mastering a new language, it's there to support you and help boost your grades and learning skills.

8. Gradescope

Gradescope is one of the best AI tools for teachers and students. It makes grading assignments a breeze, especially for big classes or tricky problems.

Teachers can give detailed feedback directly on student work and use custom rubrics for fair grading. It's great because it saves teachers time and helps students understand their mistakes better.

Plus, everything's online, so it's easy for everyone to access their grades and feedback whenever they need it. Overall, Gradescope makes learning and grading a lot smoother for everyone involved.

9. Tutor.ai

Tutor.ai is an advanced AI tool designed that provide tutoring and support for students. It offers assistance with homework, module learning and even helps you track progress.

It stands out for its alignment with each student's unique learning style and pace. It provides coverage across various subjects and maintains round-the-clock accessibility. This makes it a reliable resource for enhancing academic performance and understanding.

10. Copyscape

Copyscape is a handy tool for catching plagiarism and making sure your content is original. It scans your work against the web to spot any duplicates and even lets you compare documents for similarities.

Features like batch searches and real-time alerts let you keep your content safe and unique effortlessly. It's super user-friendly and great for writers, bloggers, students and anyone who wants to ensure their work stays authentic.

That’s it on the top 10 best AI tools for students in 2024. With these tools, your academic life is about to get so easy.

The Role of AI in Education

AI plays an important role in education by making learning more accessible and tailored to individual needs.

With its automated power, everything comes to you as fast as you order it. It helps in identifying students' strengths and weaknesses and then tailor customized learning paths for them. The instant feedbacks these AI tools gives are also helpful. It makes learning more dynamic and interactive.

I guess it goes without saying that AI has positively influenced the educational field. But I guess every development has its downsides. Let’s talk about that.

Harmful Effects of AI in Education

Personally, I have had my fears about the burst of AI into the scenes. The fear is an over-reliance on already-made answers. No one wants to think anymore since they have the answers at their fingertips.

This over-reliance on AI would also affect student-teacher interaction. Let’s not forget that student-teacher interaction is integral path to building social skills. There are also concerns about data privacy, as AI systems often require access to personal information.

It's important to be aware of these potential issues and address them as we continue to integrate AI into education. These downsides are glaring but are masked by the ease and comfortability AI brings to our lives.

More On Edukoya


AI in education has both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, the best AI tools for students are making learning more personalized and interactive. The instant feedback they provide, adaptation to learning styles and their ready-made assistance are just part of its best qualities.

With these positive traits, it also houses some challenges, we must embrace the benefits while being mindful of the drawbacks. Taking a balanced approach will take the power of AI to create a brighter, more inclusive future for education.

Remember, AI is a tool that should complement, not replace, human interaction and traditional learning methods.


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